Sales Legend Masterclass
Admission = $2,997

Our Sales Legend online Masterclass :

  • 8 weeks, 90-minute sessions every Thursday at 1 pm eastern time.
  • Boost your sales by 25-40% with the selling without selling winning 8-Step Sales Legend Process that sales leaders and professionals are talking about that’s positioning them as the best sales leaders and professionals in their industry.
    • Strategy to connect with your client in 25 seconds.
    • Strategy to quickly discover where your client is being under-serviced and the million-dollar question.
    • Strategy to position you as the provider of choice.
    • Strategy in drafting the optimal commitment question.
    • Strategy to protect your account from your competitors.
    • Strategy in delivering your stellar presentation and the question you should absolutely avoid.
    • Strategy to handle objections effectively.
    • Strategy that will propel you to sales legend status in the eyes of your clients and peers.

Receive your sales behavior assessment absolutely free. Knowing your sales behavior strengths and areas for improvement is a must.

Domenic Presutti is a high-performance sales mentor and coach to successful sales leaders and professionals. He is an author, creator of the 10X10 Sales Legend Growth ScaleTM and creator of the 8-Step Sales Legend JourneyTM, the only high-performance sales training program that creates sales legends. He works closely with sales leaders and professionals across industries worldwide and has more than 15 years of experience in sales managerial roles, mentorship and coaching to unleash the true power and potential of sales leaders and professionals for the greater good of their organizations, communities or for everyone they wish to influence positively.

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Sales Legend Masterclass$2997

  • Total payment
  • 1xSales Legend Masterclass$2997

All prices in CAD

David O'Neill
Owner and National Director, Corporate Connections Canada

"The eight steps of the sales legend process have given me and my team a new lens with which to look at my business and to have a greater impact and success."